الجيش السوري يستعيد السيطرة على بلدات في ريف حماة الشمالي
استعاد الجيش السوري، اليوم (الأحد)، عدداً من البلدات والقرى في الريف الشمالي لمحافظة حماة، بعد…
A Breakup Was Just the Beginning of Their Story
When Amaiya Davis and Matthew Wynter’s relationship ended abruptly, Ms. Davis blamed it on a…
Angola, the U.S. and a Slavery Connection Few Talk About
When President Biden visits the country this week, he is expected to highlight a largely…
Game Time in Philadelphia: Vote Looms for New 76ers Arena Near Chinatown
The mayor and labor unions say the $1.3 billion basketball arena would be an economic…
A Second Trump Term Poses a Crucial Test of the Senate’s Independence
President-elect Donald J. Trump is threatening to challenge the institution’s historic role, and the Constitution,…
A Power Vacuum in Gaza Could Empower Warlords and Gangs
Hamas’s weakened position could leave the territory without any governing institutions. Hamas’s weakened position could…
What a Marine Heat Wave Reveals About Our Warming Oceans
An extreme heat wave off California’s coast seemed like an anomaly 10 years ago. But…
Flight Tickets May Get Costlier As Oil Companies Raise Jet Fuel Prices
Flight tickets are likely to get costlier with oil companies announcing a hike in aviation…
الأندية السعودية بعد التأهل الأسيوي تخوض المعترك السادس
تتجه الأنظار الرياضية السعودية صوب القارة الأسيوية يومي الإثنين والثلاثاء، مع عودة إثارة دوري أبطال…